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Wine Christmas sales uplift driven by inflation

Published:  30 November, 2023

Circana, a leading advisor on consumer trends, has revealed in its ‘12 weeks till Christmas tracker’ an upward trend in wine sales in terms of value.


Friday read: The big spending squeeze – are your brands ready?

Published:  28 October, 2022

Yvette Flower, strategic planner at ZEAL Creative, looks at the future of premium beer, wine and spirits sales, and how brands can insulate against the rising tide of inflation.  


Multiples: Retail trends

Published:  08 February, 2022

A five-year snapshot of the retail world reveals just how sales of wines and spirits have been shaken up by the pandemic, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


Spirits boost drinks sales recovery while wine trails behind

Published:  18 August, 2021

Drinks sales have continued to edge further back towards pre-Covid levels in August, with spirits emerging as the leading category helping to catapult the on-trade towards recovery.


Indies: Shaken, not stirred

Published:  26 April, 2021

The pandemic has been a “wake-up call” for the industry, a panel of leading merchants told audience members told Jo Gilbert at our Think Insights retailing sector briefing, as businesses face stock and other challenges to meet soaring spirits sales.